
The impact of response to the results of diagnostic tests for malaria: cost-benefit analysis

Yoel Lubell, Hugh Reyburn, Hilda Mbakilwa, Rose Mwangi, Semkini Chonya, Christopher J M Whitty, Anne Mills. BMJ 2008;336;202-205


The importance of context in malaria diagnosis and treatment decisions - a quantitative analysis of observed clinical encounters in Tanzania

Clare I. R. Chandler, Semkini Chonya, Gloria Boniface, Kaseem Juma, Hugh Reyburn and Christopher J. M. Whitty (2008). Tropical...


The role of in-migrants in the increasing rural HIV-1 epidemic: results from a village population survey in the Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania.

Mmbaga,E.J.; Leyna,G.H.; Hussain,A.; Mnyika,K.S.; Sam,N.E.; Klepp,K.I. Int J Infect Dis. 2008 Sep;12(5):519-25


Timing of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria during pregnancy and the implications of current policy on early uptake in north-east Tanzania

Katherine Anders, Tanya Marchant, Pili Chambo, Pasiens Mapunda and Hugh Reyburn. Malaria Journal 2008, 7:79