
Malaria risk factors in North West Tanzania: the effect of spraying, nets and wealth

West PA, Protopopoff N, Rowland M, Cumming E, Rand A, Drakeley C, Wright A, Kivaju Z, Kirby MJ, Mosha FW, Kisinza W, Kleinschmidt I


Malaria transmission after artemether-lumefantrine and dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine: a randomized trial

Patrick Sawa, Seif A. Shekalaghe, Chris J. Drakeley, Colin J. Sutherland, Collins K. Mweresa, Amrish Y. Baidjoe, Alphaxard Manjurano, Reginald A. Kavishe, Khalid B....


Relationship between alpha+-thalassaemia and glutathione-S-transferases polymorphisms in children with severe malaria in Tanzania

Fredy Saguti, Sakurani T. Balthazary, Alphaxard Manjurano, Robert A. Max, Filemon Tenu, Filbert Francis, Seif A. Shekalaghe, Reginald A....


Trends in chloroquine resistance marker, Pfcrt-K76T mutation ten years after chloroquine withdrawal in Tanzania

Mohammed A, Ndaro A, Kalinga A, Manjurano A, Mosha JF, Mosha DF, van Zwetselaar M, Koenderink JB, Mosha FW, Alifrangis M, Reyburn H, Roper C, Kavishe RA