Parents and nurses telling their stories: The perceived needs of parents caring for critically ill children at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre in Tanzania

Vivian Frank Saria ( Lilian Teddy Mselle ( Birgit Anne Siceloff (
Publication year: 


Nurses should not be a capital, purposefully recruited…?, when was the study undertaken and data collected, timeframe required, change children care to 'care of their or the child', what does critical needs mean, in the results section, grammar revision needed throughout and importance meaning what.



I suggest that this needs rewriting with relevant contemporary literature, most of the literature used is old and statements made are not supported by references or justified. Why is Tanzania different to Canada or developed countries, why was this study needed, grammar revision required for clarity, there are many articles on the needs of parents in critical care - do you mean minimal articles on the needs of parents within critical care in developing countries, there is a large importance placed on the needs of parents in developed countries but what is the difference between these two worldviews or context (developed versus developing). What was the theoretical underpinnings that guided this study? (FCC, CCC, UNCRC, WHO). Why use this design or methodology used, what is it that you really want to uncover and what impact will this have on an international perspective - is the care, resources, needs, policies, research and/or organisational structure different in Tanzania than in the USA, how can this study direct practice, theory, education or impact on the wellbeing of parents, children and nurses in critical care within this organisation or culture. How does culture, resources, healthcare structure, model of care, service delivery, education of nurses, paternalism, poverty, co-morbidities, mortality, gender… influence the needs of parents with a child in critical care in Tanzania. Could these results be transferable to other developing countries? There definitely is a difference within developing and developed countries but this hasn't been portrayed within the introduction. We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. The background has been revised based on contemporary literature as suggested. The need for this study has been justified against the availability of similar studies in developing countries.



Study design and setting Burn unit (burns unit?), re-write for clarity. The description of the setting has been revised for clarity as suggested 5-6  


Participants and recruitment

A purposive…, was requested (were requested), have had (had), why 76 hours, have other studies used this timeframe, exclusion/inclusion criteria was…, ethics required in relation to the researcher approaching anyone?, how was this done, should the study confidentiality/voluntary informed involvement have been done before a screening process of actually approaching potential participants, FGDs being?, why above 35 years of age, a Table of the participants included in the study is advisable, did anyone decline and is so why. Typos, reasons for inclusion of parents who stayed in the ward for 76 hours or more and ethical issues for recruitment have been included in the revised manuscript as suggested 


Data Analysis

Areas on credibility need to be addressed for qualitative data collection and analysis 'trustworthiness', storage, confidentiality, anonymity, reflexivity and rigor of the analysis process, how was saturation of the data reached, who read the transcripts (how many researchers - independently or as a group), clarity on the process used re inductive/deductive analyses, findings, codes, categories, themes (similarity of concepts), consensus reached through what process, what model/theorist did you use, participant involvement re member checking, how were the emergent categories compared between and within the discussion groups, why was this done, how many in the research team, I am not clear on how the data was collected, analysed or why this method was chosen.