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Preconceptional factors associated with haemoglobin concentration in early pregnancy: a community‐based cohort study in rural northeastern Tanzania

Christentze Schmiegelow Omari Abdul Msemo Sofie Lykke Møller Birgitte Bruun Nielsen Cecilie Bøge Paulsen Lars Ødum...

Predictors of appropriate breastfeeding knowledge among pregnant women in Moshi Urban, Tanzania: a cross-sectional study

Tamara H. Hashim, Melina Mgongo, Johnson Katanga, Jacqueline G. Uriyo, Damian J. Damian, Babill Stray-Pedersen, Margareta Wandel and Sia E. Msuya

Prevalence and factors influencing modern contraceptive use among HIV-positive women in Kilimanjaro region, northern Tanzania

Damian J. Damian, Johnston M. George, Erick Martin, Beatrice Temba and Sia E. Msuya

Prevalence and risk factors of preconception anemia: A community based cross sectional study of rural women of reproductive age in northeastern Tanzania

Omari A. Msemo, Ib C. Bygbjerg, Sofie L. Møller, Birgitte B. Nielsen, Lars Ødum, Kathrine Perslev, John P. A. Lusingu,...

Prevalence, predictors and challenges of gestational diabetes mellitus screening among pregnant women in northern Tanzania

Hassan Ismail Njete, Beatrice John, Pendo Mlay, Michael Johnson Mahande, Sia Emmanueli Msuya