PhD opportunity and scholarship

05 May 2023

Project title: The Delta consortium Research and Excellence in African Capacity to Control and Treat CANcer (REACCT-CAN)


The Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute (KCRI) is a partner institution in the Delta consortium Research and Excellence in African Capacity to Control and Treat CANcer (REACCT-CAN). The project aims to tackle cancer challenges through high-quality training and mentoring postgraduates in conducting research for primary and secondary cancer prevention, including cancer diagnosis, immune activation, and genetic variation studies.

Researchers and students will develop academic entrepreneurial and leadership skills. Research support structures used for translational and public health sciences will be developed in close interaction with civil and governmental societies.


Through these achievements, the project will envision generate sustainable, African-led, interdisciplinary research groups in oncology and cancer sciences with expanded collaborative networks, and increasing international cancer research publication output from and impact on Africa.

For more Information and How to Apply click here